Produkt wurde zum Warenkorb hinzugefügt
Torbogen mit Wechselwerbung
230 x 200 x 40 cm, Tiefe 30 cm
Design: individuell gestaltbar
Tunneleinfahrten INDIVIDUELL
Torbogen INDIVIDUELL Form und Design individuell gestaltbar!
0,00 €
Auf Lager
Design your children's area and the respective stations with such exciting and beautiful start and Drive-through arches.They are an eye-catcher and also helpful in organization.These creative elements create a real adventure land for children.There are 'almost' no limits to your 'adult' creativity as a customer! Let us know your ideas and we will turn them into reality in terms of shape and size.Please note that such individually designed elements require a certain planning and need implementation time. If you would like to redesign your children's area this year, please contact us as soon as possible.Contact us for your individual offer!CUSTOM MADE! - Delivery times on request.
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